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Will We Have Complete Clean and Renewable Energy?

 Is there hope that by 2050 or 60 we will have complete clean and renewable energy?

I can answer both Yes and No to that question.

Yes we will have clean energy, in fact we already have completely clean and renewable energy. That is not the issue.

The issue is setting up the harvesting of the clean, renewable energy and then distributing it.

For example energy from wind is completely clean and renewable but the construction of the wind turbine and the distribution of the electricity generated mean that wind farms will always be carbon positive

So given current technology the only way to have clean renewable energy is by micro-generation i.e. each household generating their own energy or perhaps one householder acting as a power hub for maybe 6 to 12 other households.

Homes becoming energy independent has mainly been limited to solar panels but because of energy storage issues and solar panel inefficiency and lack of energy storage most households have only been able to cover 40% - 60% of their needs meaning clean home energy generation rarely covered its initial cost.
Recent developments in solar energy collection and storage has improved things but even so most households will still not cover 100% of their energy needs and are looking at a 15 to 25 year payback time on the installation costs.

Yes we can have clean renewable energy but only if we build our own energy generation systems and become energy independent.

That's why everyone needs DIY Green Energy

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