
Will We Have Complete Clean and Renewable Energy?

 Is there hope that by 2050 or 60 we will have complete clean and renewable energy?

I can answer both Yes and No to that question.

Yes we will have clean energy, in fact we already have completely clean and renewable energy. That is not the issue.

The issue is setting up the harvesting of the clean, renewable energy and then distributing it.

For example energy from wind is completely clean and renewable but the construction of the wind turbine and the distribution of the electricity generated mean that wind farms will always be carbon positive

So given current technology the only way to have clean renewable energy is by micro-generation i.e. each household generating their own energy or perhaps one householder acting as a power hub for maybe 6 to 12 other households.

Homes becoming energy independent has mainly been limited to solar panels but because of energy storage issues and solar panel inefficiency and lack of energy storage most households have only been able to cover 40% - 60% of their needs meaning clean home energy generation rarely covered its initial cost.
Recent developments in solar energy collection and storage has improved things but even so most households will still not cover 100% of their energy needs and are looking at a 15 to 25 year payback time on the installation costs.

Yes we can have clean renewable energy but only if we build our own energy generation systems and become energy independent.

That's why everyone needs DIY Green Energy

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Inspirational Video- Be a Mr. Jensen- MUST WATCH!!

Inspirational Video- Be a Mr. Jensen-

You don't have to be the best IN the world, be the best FOR the world.

“When we help team members, students, and co-workers to become more of who they already are – retention improves, sales increase, academic success soars and your people win...
Be a Mr. Jensen!" Known as “The Millennial Speaker”, Clint Pulver helps organizations that want to retain, engage and inspire their younger workforce. 

As the President and founder of The Centre for Employee Retention, Clint has transformed how corporations like Keller Williams, AT&T and Hewlett Packard create lasting loyalty through his work and research as “The Undercover Millennial”.

He has appeared on America’s Got Talent and in several different Feature Films with actors like Jack Black (School of Rock) and John Heder (Napoleon Dynamite). Clint was named one of Business Q Magazine’s “Top 40 Under 40” for his work in helping corporations elevate their “WHY” of mentorship in the workplace and how connected and engaged employees yield loyal and long-term retention within organizations. 

For over a decade, Clint has helped leadership teams diminish turnover, increase engagement and create an organization their people never want to leave. 

With a blend of humour, unforgettable stories, and actionable takeaways that stick, Clint convinces audiences on the power of “The Mentorship Effect,” and why some leaders create lasting loyalty and others don’t. 

To bring Clint to your event visit

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The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds

The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Seconds- 

Best Motivational Video for Entrepreneurs
Script: by Patrick Bet-David:
Most people only pay attention to the final product of a successful entrepreneur. 
They say things like, “ I can never be like them” or "they got lucky". What most don’t see, is what they’ve overcome. 
The betrayals, the rumours, the criticism...All the struggles, the daily rejections, the heart aches... 
You see the only difference between the one who quits and the one who doesn’t is the empty bank account, and all those lonely nights while trying to make their vision a reality. that they showed up every day, they worked hard every day, 
They did all this even though they felt like quitting every day. They hustled every day, they learned from a proven mentor every day, they improved every day; And eventually, 
they became who they are today.

Don't Quit


Admiral McRaven - If You Want To Change The World

Admiral McRaven - If You Want To Change The World

  • Make Your Bed EVERY morning
  • Get help paddling
  • Don't measure a person by the size of their flippers
  • Get over being a sugar cookie
  • Don't fear the circus
  • Go head first
  • Don't back down from the sharks
  • Stay calm in the darkness of the keel
  • Sing from the mud

You CAN Change The World

“Life is a struggle and the potential for failure is ever present, but those who live in fear of failure, or hardship, or embarrassment will never achieve their potential. Without pushing your limits, without occasionally sliding down the rope headfirst, without daring greatly, you will never know what is truly possible in your life.” ― William H. McRaven
If you know someone who could use this video, share it with them!

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